9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess
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In this episode, I'm going to share with you the nine qualities the best salespeople possess.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #1: They're learners.
Being a learner is so vital. My father used to always tell me, "Marc, when you graduate from school, never stop learning. "Make sure that you are consistently learning." And that mindset has always stuck with me. And what I've found is that, in my work, when I meet with hundreds of top-performing salespeople every single year, I find out that those are the people that are consistently learning. They love to learn.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #2: They're implementers.
Implementing is everything. So learning is one piece of it, but then the next piece is that we have to apply what we learn, and this is so important that we don't just learn, but we implement. Many people watch these videos every single week. We're putting out a new sales training video every single week. But they ultimately stay behind their computer, and we consider those people keyboard jockeys. They never actually implement the ideas.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #3: Perspective.
Sales is not war. It is not dangerous. There is no risk to your life. There is not even any risk to your self-esteem if you don't allow it. We need to have perspective, and the best salespeople have a great perspective. They tend to be highly competitive, but at the same time, when they lose an opportunity, they don't go home and pout and beat themselves up. Instead, they keep it in perspective and recognize that some will, some won't. So what? Next.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #4: They have self-worth.
This is a tough one because it's so intangible, yet I see, over and over again, that top salespeople, they don't look for self-worth in their selling careers. They get their self-worth from just having a great life and living the life that they want.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #5: They're risk-takers.
The top salespeople are like entrepreneurs. They're willing to take risks. They're eager to try things.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #6: They love the game.
I've already talked about this a little bit, but it's so important, so I'll repeat it. We need to think of selling as a game. The best salespeople see it as a game, and they love the game. And quite frankly, once you see it as a game, it's really fun.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #7: They don't need friends.
Let me clarify. I'm not saying that salespeople are weird and don't have friends at all. Of course, great salespeople have great relationships outside of sales. But they don't need to find friends with every single prospect. There is a myth that relationship-builders are the best salespeople, and that could not be further from the truth. The best salespeople don't need to make a friend every time they talk to a prospect.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #8: They're executors.
This is so key to understand. They're not just implementers, but they execute every single day. One thing that I see about the best salespeople is that they are so consistent, and they're so disciplined, day after day. Now, they might be creatives types, and they may be a little bit sporadic here and there, but ultimately, when it comes to the real blocking and tackling of selling, they are executing every single day.
9 Qualities The BEST Salespeople Possess #9: They're executors.
Yes, I'm repeating it because it's so important. It is the number one distinction between top performers and everyone else. They execute in every single way. They learn a new idea. They execute on it. They need to do something.
There are nine qualities the best salespeople possess. And if you enjoyed this video, then I have excellent free training on the data-driven approach to help you crush your sales goals. If you got some value, please like this video below on YouTube and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking my face, which should be right about here, to get access to a new video, just like this one, each week.